For 13 months, I have been {inconsistently} Bible Journaling.
In the last 6 months, God has been calling me into teaching and I had my first opportunity to lead a class back in May, all about how to journal in any Bible.
This week, I met with some lovely women to get them started on their own Bible Journaling adventure.
This latest special time got me thinking about why I enjoy Bible Journaling so much, and wondering why I don’t put it at the top of my list along with reading my Bible, Bible Study and prayer. So, I started thinking about it, and I want to share with you my top 10 reasons I do love Bible Journaling.
- I believe there is an artist in everyone. It is a strong statement that I use in my classes and I often hear the rebuttals and arguments (yes, even when you whisper) about why you aren’t an artist. Genesis 1:27 says we were created in His image. God is the best creator I know and He has shared some of His amazing attributes with us. (Here is a fascinating article if you want to learn more about this later). Being made in His image makes you an artist (or creator of art, if that makes you more comfortable). It would be sad not to use this gift He has freely given to us.
- I want to remember what God is teaching me. In the Old Testament people would set up stones to remember
Ebenezer stones or Bible journals? what God had done for them, 1 Samuel 7:12. These stones served as a reminder to them of “God’s real Holy Presence and Divine aid”. I don’t know about you, but my mind is not a steel trap and things are leaking out all over the place! I need to have something tangible to remember what God has done for me and my family. Those stone sculptures, called Ebenezer Stones, were left all over, so they became a reminder not only for the person who built them, but they were also a visual sign for others who might pass by. I can just imagine finding a tower of stones and thinking, “God did something good here. Someone worshipped here and took the time to say thank you and to mark this time in their life with God.” The way I see it, you have two choices… piles of rocks or a journaling Bible. Either way, we must remember.
- Meditating on the Word. The word meditation has developed a New-Age reputation. It doesn’t mean you have to sit around with your legs criss-cross-applesauce saying “Om”. Psalm 119:27 says, “Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds”. The definition of meditate is to contemplate, think about or reflect. We can only think about and absorb God’s Word if we are actually reading it! When we are taking the time to journal His Word we can really think about and reflect on the meaning and apply it to our lives. That is meditation, and it is Biblical!
- God is speaking and I must record it. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us, “Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” God speaks to all those who are saved and willing to listen to His voice. He speaks to us predominantly through His Word and His Spirit. He may also speak through others and through our circumstances, but it will always confirm what He’s already saying. In order to know His voice, we must read His word. Again, Bible journaling gets us in the Word, reading and learning so we can recognize His voice and make a record of what He is speaking to us.
- I get to join Him in His work. God wants ALL people to come to know Him. He put His Spirit in me and works through me to draw others closer to Him. He is the light that shines in me. I can not/should not cover it up! In order to be more Christ-like, I need to be in the Word and know what it says. Only then, can I truly live in obedience with his loving guidelines. By creatively learning and sharing the Word, I am sharing his Truth.
- Worship and praise! The Bible talks about Praising Him in many creative ways. We know he is a creative God just by looking at nature… the beautiful sunsets that are different every night… the amazing colors of the changing leaves… the platypus. 🙂 Seriously though, God is creative and if we can creatively spend time learning what He has done and is doing in our lives, that will lead to amazing sweet times of worship, praise and prayer.
- The Word is becoming part of me. Science has proven that doing things creatively or writing things out improves our memorization and retention of information. Writing, or creating, in this case, is an active rather than passive event. We need the Word to become part of who we are, or we will not change. This is how we become more like Christ.
- Freedom. There is no right or wrong way to journal in your Bible. Some people use acrylic paint, I don’t care for it. Some use stickers and stamps, I’m not a fan. I use different colored pencils than other people. I like to use Pitt Pens, others don’t like them. This is completely up to you, your interpretation, your like or dislike of supplies and what God is doing through YOU. This should not be one more thing to make you feel bad about your abilities (see #1), the amount of time you have, or even the supplies you have. This is a time for you to get closer to God (period). FREEDOM!!!
- Can I get a Witness? God has called us to be a witness to all of the wonderful things He has done, is doing and will do. We can witness to our spouse, our kids, our parents, our neighbors, our Facebook friends, the Pharmacist, the dog groomer… you get it… Bible Journaling is a great way to share Truth with other people in a non-threatening, creative way. Maybe you ask others to join you in learning this new activity with you? Maybe you throw a journaling party for your kids and their friends? Who doesn’t love a Jesus party? Show them His love. Tell them His Truth and Involve them. (That is our church mission). But what a picture of being a witness.
- I’m learning to be a doer. The Bible makes it very clear we are to be doers of the Word not just listeners. The blessings flow from doing what God has instructed us to do. Learning is only part of the equation. By regularly spending time reading and learning His Word, it has become part of me and I am acting on what is in my heart.
- There is buried treasure in there! Yep, right in the Word of God there is buried treasure! The only way to find it, is to dig! Get in that Bible and start digging, there is so much He wants to share with you.
Just because I care, I threw in a bonus for you 😉
I would love to know what you think. Have you started Bible Journaling? Did this convince you? I convinced myself to dedicate more time to this amazing practice.
Hugs and Abundant Blessings,
Diane Collins
Netter, this is beautiful. I want you to teach me to journal through art. Can we put together a class this winter in PH area so you can teach others too?
Lynnette Cretu
Yes! I would love to do that!
Kristi Smith
I use a notebook, and that has worked for me, but I have to reread them. How many more times I would be reminded of God’s faithfulness if it were in my bible instead!
Lynnette Cretu
Yes, Kristi, it is really neat to go back and see the amazing things He has taught me!