
posted in: Mixed Media, Scripture 0

Hi friend, As I mentioned in my last note, I signed up for another class. I wanted to check in and give you a peek at the work I have been doing. I will be honest, it is hard for me to share some of these because they are so different from my usual work. What a vulnerable place to be in!


I am really enjoying the class though. I am exploring, stretching my imagination and trying to step (more like push myself) out of my comfort zone.

I am warring against the nasty voices that tell me I shouldn’t be doing this or that I’m not good enough. God’s Word has been a true comfort to me this week, as I step out in new directions.

I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit. -John 15:16 Has been in the forefront of my mind. God chose me and appointed me to bear His fruit.

I really want my work to show His fingerprints. However, the only way I can do that is through His strength and power. So, at times, I must step back from a painting. I have realized, when I am struggling to make the image come out, I am relying on my strength and power. The art falls flat!

Isn’t this true of life too? Not just painting.

When I am struggling through the hard parts. I must take a step back. Give my life and my decisions over to the One who knows best, who can guide me and show me the way. This is the only way I find peace, joy and truth.


I know that you have struggles to bear today too. Please know that there is someone you can turn to for help. Just take a step back and ask!


God love you and so do I,
