Empowering you to do great things and love your business again.
I’m a brand strategist and graphic designer for mission-driven business owners. I know you have BIG dreams and goals to make the world a better place. Bad design should not stand in your way! I love to partner with amazing people to create beautiful and meaningful design. I live in Michigan with my firefighter husband, two teenage kids and a rescue Rottie named Otis.
My mission, vision and values…

Create authentic and strategic branding and logos for people who are on a mission to make the world a better place.
It’s an honor to be trusted with someone’s dream, to connect and listen to their heart, their goals, their desire to help.
– Trust. People are putting their livelihood in my hands. I partner with them and see them as people first not numbers!
– Live love. People are the only thing that lasts, how we treat others matters. Be authentic. The world needs you!
– Work out your faith. Give hope- there is never enough hope and light in the world, give more!
– High standard of excellence. Our work is an offering to Him. Excellent work serves others and gives glory to God!

If you simply must know more about me.
I believe laughter is great medicine, but sometimes we really need a hug and someone to listen. I cherish being the one to do that for others.
I love watching cheesy Christmas movies, even though I know how they will end.
I’m an introvert and unless you hit on a topic I am passionate about, I am quite happy to listen rather than talk.
My husband is a wonderful cook, therefore I avoid it whenever possible… left up to me, I think popcorn or cereal are perfectly acceptable meals!
I have seasons where everything must be organized and other seasons where I’m ok with chaos.
I love folding fitted sheets and do my best thinking when folding warm laundry. (Drop yours off, I’m happy to help, haha!)
Occasionally, pajama days are necessary.
I love camping with my family and friends. There is nothing better than a campfire and s’mores!
I am a Christian. It is the foundation of who I am and what I believe. I am a beautifully flawed human. Who has been broken, who has made mistakes and who is still deeply, fully, unconditionally loved!